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Dear Freesurfer Developers,

I must admit that I have not used Freesurfer for quite some time, i.e. I may be 
a little rusty. I vaguely remember having the same issue a few years ago, but I 
cannot find anything in the forum that seems to work for me. Hence, I apologize 
for a potentially trivial question:

I am having problems with mris_convert when trying to convert a surface from FS 
format to .vtk. It seems that during the conversion the orientation of the 
surface is somehow changed to what looks like a rotation by 90 degrees (indeed 
the file information seems to suggest a [x,y,z] <-> [x,z,-y] transformation).

For instance, after running "recon-all" on a standard MNI152 brain (here 
borrowed from FSL), I want to convert the pial surfaces to .vtk format for 
further processing. I use the following simple command:

mris_convert lh.pial.T1 lh.pial.T1.vtk

Opening both surfaces in, for instance, freeview shows lh.pial.T1.vtk somewhat 
rotated by 90 degrees. Other target surface formats have the same issue. My 
suspicion is that there is some intrinsic orientation change during the 
conversion. How can I preserve the orientation during mris_convert? Wouldn't 
that be the expected behavior? Alternatively, how can I change the orientation 
of a surface file after the conversion?

Thank you for your advice!


Dr. rer. nat. Aicko Yves Schumann
Research Assistant Professor
Physicist, Center Statistician, Big Data Scientist
Institute of Psychiatry
Medical University of South Carolina
67 President Street (Rm. BA506C)
Charleston, South Carolina, 29425
United States
Phone Office: +1 843-792-6470
Phone Cell: +1 843-532-8506

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