External Email - Use Caution        

Hi everyone,

I reviewed some of the other answers on the mailing list to compute a
Cohen's d value following the sequence of commands below for a Qdec
Freesurfer analysis:

1) cd glmdir/contrast  fscalc gamma.mgh div ../rstd.mgh -o cohensd.mgh

2) mri_segstats --i cohensd.mgh --seg cluster.sig.ocn.mgh --exclude 0
--sum test.output

However, my test.output file looks like:

# ColHeaders  Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName Mean StdDev
Min Max Range

  1   1      2398     2398.0  Seg0001     4.9611     0.8313     3.6525
    7.3172     3.6647

  2   2      5893     5893.0  Seg0002     5.1281     1.1535     3.6520
    8.8040     5.1520

Why are the mean Cohen's d values (4.9611, 5.1281) so large? Am I
interpreting these incorrectly?

Many thanks in advance for your help,

Freesurfer mailing list

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