Hi Jesse,

Freeview does support surface-based ROI drawing. There is a Path/Custom Fill 
tool button on the left pane. Once it is checked, you should see a bunch of 
tool buttons similar to what tksurfer had for ROI drawing.


On Sep 10, 2020, at 10:27 AM, Jesse Gomez 
<jessego...@princeton.edu<mailto:jessego...@princeton.edu>> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution


I noticed tksurfer disappeared in the new 7.1 version of freesurfer. While it's 
still present in older versions of course, it no longer runs on 64-bit only 
operating systems (e.g. OSX Catalina). Is tksurfer going to be updated? It 
seems to be the only way to draw labels and ROIs on a surface. Is there an 
alternative? Freeview, as far as I can tell, only has volume-based ROI-drawing 
methods. This surface label feature in tksurfer was fairly critical for many 
analyses; I do hope it's on its way back.
All the best,

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