Here is the page on topo defects

I can't answer your other questions because the previous emails are not in this one. If you repost with previous correspondance, then I can answer.

On 7/24/2020 8:12 AM, Sara PONTICORVO wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Subject: Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Segmentation with FreeSurfer 7.1
Message-ID < <>>

Hi, thanks a lot.
What do you mean for topological default?
We have checked our data, and there aren't any visible artifacts (if you were referring to this kind of things). Actually we have seen these problems in about 50% of the already acquired data. If it can be useful for you we can also send you the raw DICOM images to check yourself. It is possible that there are some default settings in the 7.1 recon-all pipeline that we can adjust?

Thanks again,

Sara Ponticorvo
PhD Student
Departement of Medicine Surgery and Dentistry, University of Salerno

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