This information is extracted out of the dicom header, so as long as you are converting directly from dicom, the information will be correct. You can run
mri_info orig.mgz
and it will print out a lot of information, including the orientation string. Eg, RAS means that the fastest (column) dimension increases to the right. When you look at a volume in freeview, you will see coordinates in the control window. These will be RAS

On 7/17/20 7:45 PM, Cibele Bandeira wrote:

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I have an MRI sample collected on a Siemens Magnetom Spectra 3T scanner. However, we do not place any pointing devices inside the scanner to indicate which side is the right and which is the left. I was wondering how the images were acquired -  from the front of the individuals, meaning that the left in the image is the right in the patient? Or otherwise? When processing the T1-weighted images on Freesurfer, I also have a doubt...  the DICOM images are synchronized? Left in DICOM is left in the patient? And after freesurfer preprocessing? It flips the images or not?

Thank you very much!
*Cibele Edom Bandeira*
Doutoranda em Genética e Biologia Molecular (PPGBM)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

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