External Email - Use Caution        

Dear FreeSurfer Developers,

I think my earlier email may have gotten lost.

I've run the longitudinal hippocampal subfield pipeline using the following 
command on freesurfer version 6.0:

longHippoSubfieldsT1.sh PAWS001_base_FS

I received no errors and everything seems to have run fine. But on computing 
the subfields using the following command:

quantifyHippocampalSubfields.sh T1.long PAWS_longitudinalhipsubfields.txt

I noticed that all of subfields have negative volume values. I checked the 
individual text files within each subject's timepoint and indeed the output is 
showing negative volumes.

I have also tested the same subject and run the cross-sectional hippocampal 
subfield pipeline using the following command:

recon-all -s PAWS001_TP1_FS -hippocampal-subfields-T1

I'm really not sure why the longitudinal pipeline is showing negative values. 
Could it be a Freesurfer version issue? Am I doing something wrong? It is 
especially mind-boggling since I receive no error and the command is running 
smoothly! Please help. I have attached the text files of the same subject run 
cross-sectionally and longitudinally.

 1.  A single subject processed cross sectionally - lh.hippoSfVolumes-T1.v10.txt
  2.  The same subject process longitudinally - 

Thank you so much!!

Best regards,

[cid:image9b8575.PNG@bec4f33e.43bdc947] nnitagl1

Hippocampal_tail 551.985069
subiculum 441.678796
CA1 591.859199
hippocampal-fissure 190.568978
presubiculum 328.661302
parasubiculum 67.240990
molecular_layer_HP 543.065108
GC-ML-DG 283.344508
CA3 196.425693
CA4 248.349199
fimbria 71.368868
HATA 53.075778
Whole_hippocampus 3377.054511
Hippocampal_tail -553.862541
subiculum -425.430347
CA1 -569.070082
hippocampal-fissure -198.189351
presubiculum -309.228543
parasubiculum -55.836071
molecular_layer_HP -545.204527
GC-ML-DG -299.984481
CA3 -193.846037
CA4 -268.890367
fimbria -69.624316
HATA -46.845866
Whole_hippocampus -3337.823178
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