On 6/29/2020 8:45 PM, Martin Juneja wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hello experts,
I am following these instructions
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/GroupAnalysis to
analyze the association between IQ and whole brain cortical thickness
of brain areas (which by default uses Desikan atlas of 34 regions).
I was wondering how:
(1). To do the similar analysis to identify sub-cortical regions which
show significant association between thickness and IQ.
I assume you mean volume since subcortical structures do not have
thickness. You would use mri_glmfit the same as with the whole brain
above, but instead of --y thicknessfile, you would use --table roifile,
where roifile is one of the outputs from asegstats2table or
aparcstats2table. See
(2). To use other atlases here i.e., replace Desikan atlas with 7 or
17 network Yeo atlas to identify which network shows the association
with IQ.
You would have to map the Yeo atlas into the individual subject, then
run mris_anatomical_stats. I think Yeo has a page on this. Then use
aparcstats2table and mri_glmfit
I know how to extract thickness etc from sub-cortical areas (i.e.,
aseg stats) and use Yeo atlas outside these instructions, but I am not
sure how to do this in above described instructions i.e., replace
Desikan with sub-cortical and Yeo atlases etc.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks !
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