Maybe those 88 vertices have a value lower than the thresh or are not in the mask.

On 6/17/2020 6:42 AM, Marina Fernández wrote:

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Dear experts,

I am using the mri_surfcluster function to cluster the surface results:

mri_surfcluster --subject fbb_average --mask mask.mgh --hemi lh --olab label --in sig_results_tvalues.mgh --thmin 0.000000000000001

When I count vertices different than 0 in the results file that I give as input (which contains only the significant vertex t values) I get a value (for example, total= 6237 vertices). The problem is that when I add the vertices of the output labels, the total number of vertices is less (for example: total=6152 vertices).

Why does the number of total vertices not match?
Is the function I use correct?

Thank you very much in advance.

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