Dear Vanessa,

  1.  No changes were made in the hippocampal module between 7.0 and 7.1, so 
you don’t need to rerun (as the subjects were reconned-all with 6.0, which 
doesn’t have any problems).
  2.  Yeah it may not be as easy to reproduce as running everything with the 
same version, but it’s perfectly fine to write in your paper that you reconned 
the brains with 6.0 and then processed the hippo and amygdala with 7.1. People 
(even reviewers!) understand that some labs don’t have the CPU cycles to 
quickly rerun all their data with FS every time a new version comes out.

Juan Eugenio Iglesias
Senior research fellow

From: <> on behalf of Vanessa Cropley 
Reply-To: Freesurfer support list <>
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 01:35
To: "" <>
Subject: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer version 7.0.0 and hippocampal segmentation

        External Email - Use Caution
Hello Freesurfer team,

I have just become aware of the release notes concerning v7.0.0 being recalled 
and not to be used, with the recommendation to use v7.1.0 instead:

I have a couple of questions about the implications of this recall.

We have processed a large dataset using freesurfer version 6, with all subjects 
being processed (recon-all) with the same version/platform.

We would now like to segment the hippocampal subfields using the enhanced 
version of the module as outlined here:   which requires 
Freesurfer 7.

We have successfully run the hippocampal segmentation using 
freesurfer_v7.0.0_dev_20200405 (7.1 was not available at the time).

My questions:

1. Given the recall of v7.0.0, does this mean that we should re-do the 
hippocampal segmentation that used v7.0.0  with v7.1.0? In other words, are all 
functions within v7.0.0  to be avoided, or just the recon-all stream?

2. Given that the recon-all was processed with v6, is it ok to perform the 
hippocampal subfield segmentation with v7? I understand that it is fine to 
perform post-processing functions outside the recon-all stream with newer 
versions (provided recon-all was done with the same version). Is my 
understanding correct?

Thank you for your assistance.

- Vanessa

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