External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Freesurfer experts,

I am trying to run recon-all for a new subject, however I came across with
this error 'Talairach failed'. The error log is as following:

*talairach done\n cp transforms/talairach.auto.xfm transforms/talairach.xfm
\n#--------------------------------------------#@# Talairach Failure
Detection Thu May 14 15:11:47 CEST
talairach_afd -T 0.005 -xfm transforms/talairach.xfm \nERROR:
talairach_afd: Talairach Transform: transforms/talairach.xfm ***FAILED***
(p=0.0153, pval=0.0000 < threshold=0.0050)\nManual Talairach alignment may
be necessary, orinclude the -notal-check flag to skip this test,making sure
the -notal-check flag follows -allor -autorecon1 in the command
Talairach failed!\n*

I have read online that I might need to perform a rough coregistration for
the input image before running recon-all. But I am a bit lost by which
image should it be registered to... Would 'mni305.cor.mgz' be okay as
reference image?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Kindly Regards

Peng Liu
[image: Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg]

Peng Liu, PhD Candidate

Institut für Kognitive Neurologie und Demenzforschung (IKND)
Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V. (DZNE)

Leipziger Str. 44| Haus 64| Raum 217
39120 Magdeburg, Deutschland

Email: peng....@med.ovgu.de/peng....@dzne.de
Phone: +49 391 67 25074
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