External Email - Use Caution        


Just as I mentioned in the initial email, subjects in the healthy group have
different ages. Because average cortical thickness is believed to be
declined as the age gets older, I want to "normalize" the group by
multiplying each subject's thickness with an age-dependent scalar
(pre-calculated constant). Suppose I take age 30 as the "standard" age, then
subjects with ages greater than 30 will have scalars greater than 1 (depend
on age); subjects with ages smaller than 30 will have scalars less than 1.
In this way, all subjects in the group looks like to be at the same age

Of course, I also suspect that there is no need to do the above mentioned
normalization if I use mri_glmfit. But my initial intention was using
non-linear scalars, and mri_glmft can only use linear fit. Please give me
your opinion. Thank you!




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