No no sorry for the misunderstanding. Either you correct by division with subic_vol = average_eTIV_allsample * subic_vol / eTIV_subject OR y0ou correct by regression. Only if you do regression, I’d use (eTIV_subject - average_eTIV_allsample) rather than eTIV_subject directly (and the same for all other variables: age, etc). Again: the result will be the same, but if you look at the residuals (plus the global intercept), demeaning will leave you with something that looks like the volume of a subiculum. Cheers, /Eugenio
Juan Eugenio Iglesias Senior research fellow CMIC (UCL), MGH (HMS) and CSAIL (MIT) From: <> on behalf of Steve Petersen <> Reply-To: Freesurfer support list <> Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 12:39 To: "" <> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Correlation between Hippocampal subfields - behavioural test External Email - Use Caution Dear Eugenio, Thank you for your quick response. Sorry but I am not completely sure if I understood correctly your response. What do you mean with "demeaning" the eTIV first?. If I understood, a good choice would be to correct the subic_volume before perform the regression using the folliwng formula: subic_vol = average_eTIV_allsample * subic_vol / eTIV_subject Thank you. Best, Steve. El mié., 22 abr. 2020 a las 17:35, Steve Petersen (<<>>) escribió: Dear Freesurfer experts, I would like to perform a correlation between the volume of subiculum and some behavioural measures. Before making that correlation, is it necessary to correct the subiculum volume with the eTIV? I have thought of doing it by scaling the subiculum volume as follows: subic_vol = mean_eTIV_group * subic_vol / eTIV_subject Is correct?? mean_eTIV_group = eTIV average of the group to which the subject belongs. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Steve.
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