Hi Harriet
it's tough to diagnose from just this, but that is pretty bad! Can you give
us some details about the editing? Or tar/gzip the whole subject dir and
upload it and we will take a look
On Tue, 24 Mar 2020, Harriet Cornwell
External Email - Use Caution
We are using FreeSurfer v5.3. and are sometimes finding that a brain can
seem okay when it is first run through the recon-all process and is edited,
but then when it is re-run the segmentation seems to deteriorate hugely. I
have screenshotted an example below.
Are you able to advise us on why this might be happening and what we could
do about this? One of the options I had thought about was to re-run the
recon-all from scratch but it doesn’t seem very time efficient to do this
for multiple brains. Any suggestions would be gratefully received!
Thank you.
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