External Email - Use Caution        

I meant the latter.
Thank you very much for responding to my questions.

I have one more question: Can we do non-parametric approaches by Freesurfer?

On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 2:13 AM Douglas N. Greve <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>

> Are you asking how to do subcortical analysis or are you asking how to
> account for subcortical analysis during correction for multiple
> corrections? For the latter, use --3spaces
> On 3/12/2020 2:03 PM, Hengameh Marzbani wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> thank you for your detailed and helpful explanation.
> question 3: I mean just left and right. But what should I do if I want to
> consider subcortical as well as left and right?
> Best Regards
> Hengameh
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 12:07 AM Douglas N. Greve <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
> wrote:
>> On 3/11/2020 4:21 PM, Hengameh Marzbani wrote:
>>         External Email - Use Caution
>> Thank you for the quick response.
>> question 1: I need the results of mri-glmfit (before doing mri-glmfit-sim). 
>> I can see the clusters by tksurfer. But, Can I have a text file included all 
>> clusters?
>> You can, the easiest way is to run mri_glmfit-sim and it will give you a
>> list of clusters in a text file. If you set the cwp to 1, then it will give
>> you all the clusters. See the help.
>> question 3: I want to do the analyse by considering the whole brain. Is 
>> correct to use --2spaces? and also I I want to visualize the results in both 
>> hemisphere simultaneously. is it possible by freeview?
>> Whole brain meaning left, right, and subcort or just left and right? If
>> just left and right, then use --2spaces
>> question 5: I can't understand what is the reason of using demean and 
>> normalize. Would you mind explaining to me? And when is it necessary to use 
>> them?
>> Demeaning makes the design matrix better conditioned. But also if you are
>> looking at the difference in average thickness between two groups
>> regressing out, eg, age, then simply using age as a regressor will reduce
>> the efficiency of the estimation because the age itself will have a
>> non-zero mean, so the regression is left trying to figure out what part of
>> the thickness average is due to the group and what part is due to age.
>> Thank you so much.
>> Hengameh
>> On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 2:03 AM Douglas N. Greve <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> On 3/9/20 5:53 PM, Hengameh Marzbani wrote:
>>> >
>>> >         External Email - Use Caution
>>> >
>>> > Hello Freesurfer developers,
>>> > 1- I want to extract the uncorrected clusters from the uncorrected
>>> significance maps obtained from mri_glmfit for structural data (to
>>> illustrate cluster, size, location, and significance) like
>>> abs.sig.cluster.summary (summary of clusters (text))which is obtained from
>>> mri_glmfit-sim. Is there a way to do this?
>>> Set the clusterwise p-value thresh to 1 (--cwp 1)
>>> > 2- I don't see any clusters when I use cluster-based correction for
>>> multiple comparisons (for example mri_glmfit-sim \  --glmdir lh.Area.glmdir
>>> \ --sim mc-z 10000 2 mc-z.abs\ --sim-sign abs --cache 4 neg \  --cwp
>>> 0.05\  --2spaces). How much is it significant if I report the uncorrected
>>> clusters?
>>> Usually, reveiewers won't let you report exclusivly uncorrected results.
>>> > 3- Are there new ways of looking at the whole brain together (not left
>>> and right hemisphere separately)by Qdec and FSGD?
>>> You can load both hemispheres into freeview, if that is what you mean
>>> > 4- How can I do fdr correction in mri_glmfit-sim? what flag should I
>>> use?
>>> You can't, use mri_fdr. Run with --help to get docs
>>> > 5- How can I demean and normalize the covariates when I use FSGD? what
>>> flag should I use?
>>> Add these lines in your FSGD file
>>> DeMeanFlag 1
>>> ReScaleFlag 1
>>> >
>>> > Thanks you in advance!
>>> > Best regards,
>>> > Hengameh
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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*Hengameh Marzbani*

*PhD candidate of Biomedical Engineering, Amirkabir University of
Technology (AUT) - Tehran Polytechnic*
*Medical Image Processing and Brain Stimulation Specialist at National
Brain Mapping Laboratory (NBML), Tehran, Iran*
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