will do it

On 2/2/2020 6:58 AM, Wright, Paul wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear Bruce
Thanks for the explanation. Is there a way of turning off the -mprage flag from 
the recon-all command? If not I think I can figure out how to run the first 
stage taking individual commands from recon-all.cmd.

    Hi Paul

    yes, the -mprage flag could definitely cause what you are seeing.
    Itassume higher CNR and lower SNR in the images (hence bigger
    classseparation between gray and white), and if used on SPGR it
    coulddefinitely erode boundaries like this.


    On Fri, 31 Jan 2020, Wright, Paulwrote:

             External Email - Use Caution

    Dear FreeSurfer experts

    I am a relative novice with FreeSurfer. I am reprocessing some older images

    with v6.0 that were previously processed with v5.3. In the newer batch, the

    GM-WM boundary is wider and the pial boundary is pushed out, but the newer

    version does a better job in the hippocampus. I am trying to figure out what

    parameters might differ between versions so I can get a cortical

    reconstruction as well as hippocampal segmentation. Both batches used plain

    vanilla recon-all -all.

    The attached figure shows v5.3 on top and v6.0 below, with aseg.mgz over

    T1.mgz. I used an example that as well as thin cortex in the new version,

    shows a hippocampal error in the older version. (The slices are aligned at

    the hippocampus, but the pitch is slightly different so they don't line up

    more superiorly.)

    >From the T1, it looks like the step that sets white matter to 110 is more

    aggressive in 6.0. I looked through recon-all.cmd and noticed both

    normalization steps include the -mprage flag in 6.0 not 5.3.Could this be

    the why the results differ? (The images are SPGR not MPRAGE.) Looking at

    help for mri_normalize it doesn't mention this flag or how to switch it off,

    so I'm stuck here. Of course, it might be something else, not the -mprage


    I'd much appreciate any guidance from the list.

    Best wishes


    Paul Wright, PhD

    Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Neuroimaging

    King's College London

    Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute

    125 Coldharbour Lane

    London SE5 8NU

    Desk: +44 20 7848 8579

    Mobile: +44 7491 905754

    Email: p.wri...@kcl.ac.uk


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