On 1/30/2020 3:39 AM, Soo-Jong Kim wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

I ran gtmseg for my partial volume correction

1. but I have a question. What regions are for the detail??
in this option.

mri_gtmpvc --default-seg-merge.

I searched mri_gtmpvc --help
but it is default schema for merging ROIs.
So I wanna know what regions you use as default. for example, in FreeSurferLUT. 1000, 1010, etc..

Can you tell me what regions freesurfer uses.
Look  in aux/seg.replace.list. The first column is the id of the segment being replaced, the 2nd is the new id
2. In general, After PVC (i.e.MG <http://i.e.MG> or RBV),  Does some smoothing kernel apply to pv-corrected images from rbv as rbv.nii.gz?
In general, yes, but if you are going to smooth you have to do it the right way, otherwise you are just re-imposing PVEs. for cortex, you should map it to the surface and smooth on the surface; for the volume I would mask out all except subcortical gray and then smooth within subcortical gray. These are described on the PETsurfer page.

If then, how large smoothing kernel?
This is an empirical question


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