I don't think so, but you can run mris_ca_label by hand. Look in the 
recon-all.log file for the command, then use the 2005 tif instead of the 2009 
tif. I think it should work.

On 1/16/2020 3:31 PM, Grodin, Erica wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution


I am running recon-all on my data using freesurfer 6.0 which is working 
correctly. However, I need to create some VOIs which labels are only outputted 
from the aparc2005 set and do not appear in  the aparc2009 set; specifically:

9001, 9501           ctx-lh-primary-motor, ctx-rh-primary-motor

9005, 9505           ctx-lh-prim-sec-somatosensory, ctx-rh- 

9002, 9502           ctx-lh-premotor, ctx-rh-premotor

9004, 9504           ctx-lh-posterior-parietal, ctx-rh-posterior-parietal

Is there a flag or some other option to output the 2005 set in addition to the 

Thank you for your help,

Erica Grodin

Erica Grodin, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of California, Dept. of Psychology and Psychiatry

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