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Hello FreeSurfer Developers,

I'm attempting to produce an automated segmentation of the hippocampal 
substructures and the nuclei of the amygdala (see hippocampal module 
 When I try to run the segmentHA_T1.sh bert  [SUBJECTS_DIR] command with the 
dev version of freesurfer, I keep getting this error:

/freesurfer-dev/MCRv84//sys/os/glnxa64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.19' 
not found
/freesurfer-dev/MCRv84//sys/os/glnxa64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.19' 
not found

It was suggested in the archives that this is a library problem but does anyone 
have any suggestions on how this can be fixed?

Thank you in advance,


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