External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Eugenio,

I noticed what was the problem. I used freesurfer dev version with the
following command:


I tried to export the hippocampal and amygdala results of several subjects
with these commands and now everything works fine.

quantifyHAsubregions.sh hippoSf HIPO-AMY hippocampal_results.txt

quantifyHAsubregions.sh amygNuc HIPO-AMY amygdala_results.txt

Is there some difference between the *segmentHA_T2.sh*  that I used and the
command of the website? In that case I would like to use the most

recon-all -s <subject_name> *-hippocampal-subfields-T2* <file name of
additional scan> <analysisID>

 Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
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