External Email - Use Caution        

Hi All,

I am looking for some help. I am working with stroke subject MRIs. For initial 
processing, I have "healed" the brains by applying the mirror image of the 
unaffected side.  Now what I want to do is to subtract out only the area in 
which my lesion overlaps with BA4 (anterior and posterior), and get the 
statistics for that area only.  I have made all the surface labels, turned the 
lesion into a label, and even created the actual intersect label, but what I 
really need to do is take BA4, subtract out any overlap with my lesion label, 
create a new label with this overlap, and then use the mris_anatomical_stats 
command line to get the statistics for this area to check the change over time.

I know there has to be a way to do this but I cannot seem to figure it out!!


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