External Email - Use Caution        


Wondering if anyone has had issues with PETsurfer partial volume correction.  
When I have used it, there are large 'holes' in the white matter. I am mostly 
interested in the hippocampal area, which seems unaffected by these holes, but 
I'm not sure if I should trust the outcome enough to still use PVC maps for the 
hippocampus! Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

I am running this:
mri_gtmpvc --i SUV-30-60-float-FixedSlope.nii.gz --reg SUVtoFS.reg.lta --psf 5 
--seg gtmseg.mgz  --default-seg-merge  --auto-mask PSF .01 --mgx .01 --o 
gtmpvc.output.nopons --no-rescale

Mackenzie L. Carlson
PhD Candidate in Bioengineering | Stanford University
BA Engineering Sciences | Dartmouth College
(218) 269-7473
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