External Email - Use Caution        

Dear developers,

For a case-control study we are comparing the cortical thickness and cortical 
surface area on a vertex-base level, for which we found significant differences 
throughout the brain.

Is it possible that, in addition to the significance values (p < .05 after FDR 
correction) on a vertex-base level, we can include the exact thickness or 
surface area value (or difference) of the significant clusters on a vertex 
base-level between the groups. In order words, to provide some measures to 
highlight the size of the significant cluster or the differences in cortical 
thickness / cortical surface area to provide clinically useful context. For 
instance, a command comparable to 'voxel size' in TBSS.

As this is my first time using Freesurfer any help that you could offer on this 
matter would be highly appreciated.

Best wishes,
Brigitte Dijkshoorn
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