Sorry, you will have to figure this out for yourself.

On 10/18/2019 5:02 PM, Renew Andrade wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

I am using a database of NITRC repository . This images have a nifti file for 
1000s/mm^2 and 2500s/mm^2. I don’t know if it is MPRAGE or not. Can you help me?

What is the input file that you are supplying? Often this happens when
the input it a multi-echo MPRAGE. If so, you can run
mri_concat multi-echo-mprage.mgz --rms --o mprage.mgz
then use mprage.mgz as the input to recon-all

On 10/12/2019 4:48 PM, Renew Andrade wrote:
>          External Email - Use Caution
> Dear freesurfer experts:
> I am trying to learn dti processing. For using Tracula it appears there is a
> need for running "recon-all -all -i -s” on every subject before starting to
> run Tracula. But there seems to be a problem. I have a Parkinson dwi images
> database and every subject gives me an error of the type “input(s) cannot
> have multiple frames!”. I am a little bit stuck on this step. Is it a problem
> of the file as input? Am I putting the wrong file? Can it be done a recon-all
> analysis to a dwi image? With trackvis I can obtain the results without any
> problem. My doubt comes from FreeSurfer only and may be my little knowledge
> about it.
> Thanks for your help!
> Sincerely,
> Andrade.
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