Not sure why you are getting the holes. There might be WM hypointensties that 
would not be captured by your model. I've put a new version of mri_binarize here
You can also just use --match ID1 ID2 ... in the mri_binarize that you have 
where ID1, etc, are the segmentation IDs for ventricle

On 10/11/19 5:55 PM,<> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

dear Doug,

thank you very much for the hint, your procedure works in principle; however, 
the --vcsf option is not available in the version of mri_binarize I have, thus 
I tried to create 2 labels using the options --wm+vcsf (labwmcsf.nii.gz) and 
-gm (labgm.nii.gz), then, once mapped onto the functional space using the 
template.nii.gz and the register.dof6.dat (in the bold folder), I added the 2 
masks (wmcsf.nii.gz and gm.nii.gz) and computed the 'and' with the original 

cp brain.nii.gz brain.orig.nii.gz

fscalc wmcsf.nii.gz add gm.nii.gz and brain.orig.nii.gz -o brain.nii.gz

this works, however, as you can see from the figure there are holes in the mask 
which were not expected;

I think, may be, could it be that there are issues in the anatomical 
reconstruction or the segmentation by recon-all?

or, another minor issue is that I would need to use the template of each run 
when mapping the 2 labels into the functional space, and not the template in 
the bold folder, is that right?

I tried also a different solution just using the commands and options of the 
'standard' pipeline:

mktemplate-sess -s $subject -fsd bold -update

mkbrainmask-sess -s $subject -fsd bold -thresh 0.1 -ndilates 0 -nerodes 1 
-ne3erodes 1 -update

preproc-sess -s $subject -fsd bold -i f -nomask -sliceorder siemens -fwhm 3 
-per-session -update

selxavg3-sess -s $subject -analysis ${ANALYSISDEFS} -update

in this case, the final brain.nii.gz mask seems to be fine, however it seems to 
erode much voxels than expected at the bottom of the brain (around RAS z=-20), 
would this strategy theoretically work for you?

the final goal of excluding the CSF (under the skull) from the brain mask would 
be to get rid of some activations 'outside the brain' I observed when using the 
'standard' pipeline, I think these activations are the result of BOLD signal 
(of soft tissues outside the skull) and crisp movements (rotations, roll) of 
the head during the recording, but I can be wrong;

any further hint is really appreciated



Il 11 ottobre 2019 alle 0.55 "Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D." 
<><> ha scritto:

You will have to do it manually. You can create a binary CSF mask from the 
aseg.mgz using mri_binarize. Don't use 702 and 703 -- those refer to "FSL-FAST" 
not "FS-FAST". Try using the --vcsf flag to mri_binarize (ventricular csf). 
Then use mri_label2vol to map it into the functional space. Once there,  mask 
the brain.nii.gz files (found in fsd/masks and fsd/RRR/masks where RRR is each 
run) using
cp brain.nii.gz brain.orig.nii.gz
fscalc yourmask.nii.gz not and brain.orig.nii.gz -o brain.nii.gz
The rerun selxavg3-sess. It should automatically update from the brain mask 
point in the pipeline

On 10/8/2019 12:56 PM,<> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear FreeSurfer Experts,

I am running a functional analysis of subcortical structures using FS-FAST 
(freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.0-2beb96c) and I would use a 
brain mask excluding CSF; would it be possible using some option/flag in 

or should I do it manually? maybe using a command like that?

mri_binarize --i $sbjdir/mri/aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz --match 702 703 --o 

because I saw in FreeSurferColorLUT.txt the following definitions:

702 GrayMatter-FSL-FAST 205 62 78 0
703 WhiteMatter-FSL-FAST 0 225 0 0

or is there another strategy?

thanks in advance
stefano silvoni

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