It appears to be a bbregister error: bbregister --s APOE.269 --init-fsl --dti --mov /Volumes/DANIEL/dti_pin/trac/APOE.269/dmri/dwi.nii.gz --reg /Volumes/DANIEL/dti_pin/trac/APOE.269/dmri/xfms/anatorig2diff.bbr.dat --fslmat /Volumes/DANIEL/dti_pin/trac/APOE.269/dmri/xfms/diff2anatorig.bbr.mat
Make sure that SUBJECTS_DIR is correct in the config file. If the problem persists, please email about the bbregister problem separately and perhaps Doug can assist you. Note that I'll be traveling and may not be responding to email in the next 10 days. a.y ________________________________ From: <> on behalf of Daniel Callow <> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 9:20 AM To: Freesurfer support list <> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA error - MRISread could not open file External Email - Use Caution Hello, It isn't an error with recon-all, at least I don't think it is. Recon-all ran without error and the file that Tracula is trying to access seems to be where it is supposed to be. It seems like Tracula is having an issue opening the lh.white file. I just included the recon-all log for that subject to show that recon-all hadn't had any issues. Do you still think it would have to do with recon-all? It seems to have to do with the way Tracula is trying to read the file? Best, Daniel Callow PhD Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Exercise for Brain Health Lab University of Maryland, College Park<> 443-254-6298 On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 9:14 AM Yendiki, Anastasia <<>> wrote: Hi Daniel - is this an error in recon-all? Then I wouldn't put "tracula error" in the subject line if you want the developers of the structural stream to look into it. a.y ________________________________ From:<> <<>> on behalf of Daniel Callow <<>> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 9:01:25 AM To: Freesurfer support list <<>> Subject: [Freesurfer] TRACULA error - MRISread could not open file External Email - Use Caution Hello, I am running tracula on some of my DTI data and have had no issues for most of my subjects. However, for one of them I get the following error after mri_segreg MRISread(/Volumes/DANIEL/freesurfer_pin/APOE.269/surf/lh.white): could not open file Loading mov Extracting frame 0 Projecting LH Surfs Loading lh.white surf No such file or directory It doesn't make sense that I am getting this error because when looking in that exact folder I see the following [255a-280:freesurfer_pin/APOE.269/surf] amos% ls lh.area lh.smoothwm.FI.crv rh.area rh.smoothwm.FI.crv lh.curv lh.smoothwm.H.crv rh.curv rh.smoothwm.H.crv lh.defect_borders lh.smoothwm.K.crv rh.defect_borders rh.smoothwm.K.crv lh.defect_chull lh.smoothwm.K1.crv rh.defect_chull rh.smoothwm.K1.crv lh.defect_labels lh.smoothwm.K2.crv rh.defect_labels rh.smoothwm.K2.crv lh.inflated lh.smoothwm.S.crv rh.inflated rh.smoothwm.S.crv lh.inflated.H lh.smoothwm.nofix rh.inflated.H rh.smoothwm.nofix lh.inflated.K lh.sphere rh.inflated.K rh.sphere lh.inflated.nofix lh.sphere.reg rh.inflated.nofix rh.sulc lh.orig lh.sulc rh.orig rh.white.H lh.orig.nofix lh.white.H rh.orig.nofix rh.white.K lh.qsphere.nofix lh.white.K rh.qsphere.nofix rh.white.preaparc lh.smoothwm lh.white.preaparc rh.smoothwm rh.white.preaparc.H lh.smoothwm.BE.crv lh.white.preaparc.H rh.smoothwm.BE.crv rh.white.preaparc.K lh.smoothwm.C.crv lh.white.preaparc.K rh.smoothwm.C.crv It looks like the file it can't open is there? I have attached the log file for recon-all and trac-all the subject in case it might help. Thank you, Daniel Callow PhD Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Exercise for Brain Health Lab University of Maryland, College Park<> 443-254-6298 _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list<>
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