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Hello all Freesurfer experts!

 Through my analysis I found that, if I plot the "white surface total area" 
found in subjid/stats/?h.aparc.stats by sex, I as expected find that males have 
overall larger surface area as compared to females.

When plotting the summed verticies of ?h.area for each person on the other hand 
(albeit after mapping the ?h.area to fsaverage), this main association with sex 
is not at all present. I am a bit puzzled by this and I am wondering if some 
sort of global scaling is performed when computing vertex-wise surface area? So 
that corresponding differences in vertex-wise area are relative sex differences?

I understand that area at a single vertex does not hold biological relevance in 
the same way that for instance thickness does, but unfortunately I still don't 
quite understand the differing sex associations between aparcs total surface 
area and the summed vertex-wise surface area.

Thanks so much in advance!
Kind regards Linn
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