External Email - Use Caution        

Hello FreeSurfer Support,

I reached out the other day about if there was a way to specify the data is
from a specific gender or age during the recon all code, such as a tag at
the end. I was told that there is not way to tell recon-all about
demographics/subject meta data, and not to worry about this during
recon-all, but instead add age and gender as covariates in the model later.

Does this mean FreeSurfer automatically finds the right regions regardless
of age or gender? Does this work based on gray/white matter thresholds or
something similar, so regardless of the demographics of the brain, it find
the right regions?  Thank you for your time.


Carissa Grijalva


*Carissa Grijalva*

*University of Arizona *

*Biomedical Engineering PhD Program*

*Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium Scholar*

*NSF WAESO Research Fellow*
*Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers*
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