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I am a graduate student at the University of Arizona and we have been using
the FreeSurfer Program to reconstruct MRI data from healthy patients and
patients with a mild cognitive impairment. We are comparing the statistics
for different brain regions, however, we would like to take age and gender
into consideration. Does the main atlas used to map/segment regions in the
brain have a default (male) brain or certain age? If so, is there a way to
specify the data is from a female during the recon all code? Such as a tag
at the end? Is it possible to include something like this for age as well?
Thank you for your time.


Carissa Grijalva


*Carissa Grijalva*

*University of Arizona *

*Biomedical Engineering PhD Program*

*Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium Scholar*

*NSF WAESO Research Fellow*
*Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers*
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