I don't know anything about fsleyes or fsl command to extract data. In 
FS, you can use mri_segstats after resampling the PET to the anatomical 
space (mri_vol2vol). Use the PET as the --i and the aseg+aparc as the 
--seg. Alternatively, you could use PETsurfer 

On 7/30/19 1:16 PM, Yang, Weiqi wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfers,
> I would like to use fsleyes for imaging. Does anybody know how to 
> source it?
> And what fsl command I should useĀ if I want to extract all ROIs in 
> aparc+aseg file and get their uptake value from PET image? I know how 
> to do it for a single ROI. I am just wondering if there is an easy way 
> to extract data for all ROIs.
> Thanks,
> Weiqi
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