External Email - Use Caution        

Dear colleagues:

We are looking for a Research Assistant who will join a group of
researchers on Aging and Alzheimer's disease at Brown University. 50% of
time of the position will be devoted to behavioral and fMRI experiment
preparation, data collection, and MRI/PET neuroimaging data analysis and
the other 50% of time will be devoted to other types of data analysis and
data management including online survey, biospecimen, and cognitive

The successful candidate should have BS or BA in Psychology, Biology,
Neuroscience, Computer Science, or closely related field, computer
programming skills (e.g., Python, Unix), and prior experience or
willingness to work with human participants and data in research or
clinical settings. Knowledge on statistics and a career interest in
pursuing age- and Alzheimer's disease-related fields are a plus.

Interested applicants can submit applications through this website (
).  For any inquiries on the research and the position, please contact Dr.
Hwamee Oh at hwamee_oh@ <hwame...@gmail.com>brown.edu.
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