Hi Zeynab

tksurfer has been deprecated for years. Can you use freeview instead? You can do this in freeview by loading one as a "curvature" map and the other as an overlay


On Wed, 24 Jul 2019, Alshelh, Zeynab wrote:

Hi Freesurfers,

Is it possible to view two overlays on one surface image using TkSurfer? One
of the surface overlays is binary while the other isn't. I have been able to
load them both onto TkSurfer but I can only view one at a time. 

Kind regards,


Zeynab Alshelh, PhD | Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Pain and Neuroinflammation Imaging Laboratory

Harvard Medical School | A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
| Massachusetts General Hospital | 149 Thirteenth Street, Room 1101
| Charlestown, MA 02129

+1 (617) 794 6838

zalsh...@mgh.harvard.edu | www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

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