Hi Francesca
sorry, not sure if this got answered, but you should be able to create
surface-based ROIs and run the analysis on them.
On Wed, 5 Jun 2019, Francesca Pentimalli wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Bruce,
Thank you very much for answering!
We are doing a study on correlating dyslexia, at an early stage, with various
factors in children.
Specifically, our goal is to look at how the 12 regions of the brain, that I
mentioned in the
previous email, play a role in the study.
Up until now, I have done an mri_average of all the images and used the qdec
interface to see how
cortical thickness and surface area vary with parameters such as gender, age
and maternal education.
This produced interesting results but they get affected when the Monte Carlo
correction is run on
the same. Further, I want to run the analysis specifically inside certain
regions of interest. For
that purpose, I thought about creating the masks in freesurfer considering just
the regions of
interest and run the analysis in them. Is this a good way to go about this?
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Best regards,
Il giorno mer 5 giu 2019 alle ore 18:45 Bruce Fischl
<fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> ha scritto:
Hi Francesca
what analysis do you want to run?
On Wed, 5 Jun 2019, Francesca Pentimalli
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> I am trying to create a mask and run the analysis into it considering
just the
following anatomical
> regions:
> (1) inferior frontal gyrus pars opercularis (IFGOp)
> (2) inferior frontal gyrus pars orbitalis (IFGOr)
> (3) inferior frontal gyrus pars triangularis (IFGTr)
> (4) Heschl3s gyrus (HG)
> (5) the superior temporal gyrus (STG)
> (6) planum polare (PP)
> (7) planum temporale (PT)
> (8) supramarginal gyrus (SMAR)
> (9) angular gyrus (AG)
> (10) fusiform gyrus (FFG)
> (11) inferior occipital gyrus (IOG)
> (12) insula
> Which technique do you suggest? Is there a good tutorial for it?
> Thank you very very much!!
> Best regards,
> Francesca Francesca Pentimalli Biscaretti di Ruffia Via S. Eufemia 3,
35121 Padova
> Mobile: +39 3483862788
> francesca.pentimallibiscarettidiruf...@studenti.unipd.it
> fpentimalli...@gmail.com
> fpe...@mit.edu
> fp...@bu.edu
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Francesca Pentimalli Biscaretti di Ruffia Via S. Eufemia 3, 35121 Padova (Italy)
Mobile: +39 3483862788
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