External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Jessica,

the parfor_progress.m script, which is throwing the error, will create a text 
file in Matlab's current working directory. That file simply displays the 
progress of the parallelized computations.

It seems that your current working directory in Matlab is 
/Applications/freesurfer/matlab/lme/mass_univariate, and the error seems to 
arise because you do not have writing permisson for that directory.

As a solution, you could try changing to another directory within Matlab (for 
which you have write permissions), and run the analysis from there. Please do 
not forget to add the lme directory and its subfolders to the Matlab PATH 

Best regards,


On Fr, 2019-05-31 at 05:42 +0000, Hua, Jessica wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear FreeSurfer Experts,

Just reposting this since I did not see it on the forum. I am trying to run 
longitudinal gyrification analyses following the FreeSurfer Linear Mixed 
Effects Models instructions, and I ran into a problem using lme_mass_fit_vw.  I 
have 49 participants, and each participant has 2 timepoints.

My model is: Yij = ß1 + ß2*tij +ß3*adjBACi + ß4*adjBACi *tij + ß5*sexi + 
ß6*ICVi + b1i + b2i*tij + eij

lhcortex 1x149955 uint32

lhsphere 1x1 struct

M 98x4 double

mri 1x1 struct

ni 49x1 double

Qdec 99x4 cell

sID 98x1 cell

X 98x6 double

Y 98x163842 double

X Column 1 = column of 1s

X Column 2 = column of alternating 0s and 1s (corresponding to either time 1 or 
time 2)

X Column 3 = adjBAC

X Column 4 = adjBAC * column 2

X Column 5 = participant's sex

X Column 6 = participant's ICV

After following the steps in the FreeSurfer instructions, I ran this code:

lhstats = lme_mass_fit_vw(X,[1],Y,ni,lhcortex);

And I got the following errors:

Error using parfor_progress (line 17)
Do you have write permissions for

Error in lme_mass_fit (line 155)
fn = parfor_progress('init',nv);

Error in lme_mass_fit_vw (line 73)
[stats1,st1] = lme_mass_fit(X,[],Xrows,Zcols,Y,ni,prs,e);

Do you know what I am doing wrong? I am using Matlab R2018b (with parallel 
computing) and FreeSurfer v.6.0. Please let me know if you need me to provide 
you with any additional information.

Thank you!

Jessica Hua

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