The Laboratory for Visual Neuroplasticity at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear 
Infirmary (Harvard Medical School), located in Boston, MA is seeking a 
full-time research assistant to start between July and September 2019. 
Candidates who would be able to commit to the position for a minimum of two 
years would be strongly preferred. Led by Dr. Lotfi Merabet, the computational 
neuroscience lab studies how the brain adapts to blindness and visual 
impairment. Major research focuses include brain imaging technologies 
(including MRI and EEG) to investigate structural and functional 
neuroplasticity as well as development of behavioral stimuli (virtual reality) 
for research into cerebral and ocular visual impairments. Detailed information 
about the lab can be found at

Responsibilities: The research assistant will assist with behavioral and MRI 
data management and analysis (~75% of the time), conduct experiments (~10%), 
and perform various administrative tasks (~15%).

Qualifications: Ideal candidates will have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in 
neuroscience, computer science, or psychology. An interest in working with 
people with disabilities would be highly desirable. Some research experience in 
a neuroscience and or an experimental psychology lab would be good, but not 
required. Strong organizational and communication skills and attention to 
detail are an important must. The candidate should be self-motivated and able 
to solve problems independently while also being comfortable working with 
others. Applicants with a background in programming (e.g. Unix, Python, 
MATLAB), statistical analysis software (e.g. R, SPSS, Stata) and/or 
neuroimaging software (e.g. FreeSurfer, FSL, SPM, etc.) are strongly encouraged 
to apply.

To Apply: Please send a CV and a cover letter to Emma Bailin 
(<>), with the 
subject line "Research Assistant position application". The letter should 
describe your research experience (if you have any), interests and include why 
you think you would be a good fit for the lab. Please also include the name and 
contact information of two references. Applications will be reviewed on rolling 
basis until the position has been filled.

Emma Bailin
Research Coordinator
Laboratory for Visual Neuroplasticity
Schepens Eye Research Institute
Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary
Harvard Medical School<>

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contains patient information, please contact the Mass. Eye and Ear Compliance 
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