External Email - Use Caution        

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. About the second
question, I am still confusing on the permutation and CWP map calculation:

1. Whether the CFT is applied to the uncorrected p-value map first (e.g.,
the sig.nii.gz generated by 'mri_glmfit')? Then we could get several
clusters survived from the CFT, right?

2. But how the permutation works and generates the CWP map? I found that
the CWP within a cluster is the same, but zero out clusters

3. Besides, may I know what the value is in the file

Thanks and regards,


On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 at 12:05, Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. <
dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

> On 4/25/19 10:54 AM, Zhi Li wrote:
> >
> >         External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > Dear FreeSurfer experts,
> >
> > I am reading your work 'False positive rates in surface-based
> > anatomical analysis' and having several questions about multiple test
> > correction in mri_glmfit-sim:
> >
> > 1. The permutation is permuting the design matrix, but how to permute
> > it in a one-sample t-test? According to my understanding, all the
> > subjects are listed as one group in the design matrix.
> In that case, the signs are flipped (ie, instead of having a column of
> ones, you get a column of +1 and -1, the sign being randomly permuted).
> >
> > 2. What's the difference between clustering-forming thresholds (CFT)
> > and cluster-wise p value (CWP)? Whether the clustering-forming
> > thresholds is set to the p map from the permutation test? Then how the
> > CWP is calculated?
> As the name implies, the CFT is used to form the cluster. Think of you
> sig map as a landscape with mountains and valleys. If you were to fill
> the landscape with water, you'd get some islands. The number and size
> would depend on how high the water was. If you think of each island as a
> cluster, then the water level is the CFT. In a purely random landscape,
> some islands would form purely by chance. The propbablility of getting
> an island (cluster) of a certain size or bigger is the CWP. You have to
> choose the CFT. The CWP is computed from permutation.
> >
> > 3. In the paper ''False positive rates in surface-based anatomical
> > analysis, you suggested ''For surface area, one would need CFT 0.001
> > and FWHM>10 mm". Whether I could understand this as "the bigger smooth
> > kernel the better"? The default smooth kernel in FSFAST is 5mm, which
> > one should I use?
> If you use permutation, then you can set the FWHM to anything. The
> optimal size depends on the size of your blobs.
> >
> > 4. For the quality assurance in 'tkregister-sess', if I can use the QA
> > value as a exclude criteria during analysis? If so is there any
> > reference I can cite?
> There is no reference. Usually, I look at the worst data sets and work
> my way to the better data sets to determine where the threshold should be.
> >
> > Looking forward to your kind suggestions.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Lizhi
> >
> >
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