Hi Matthieu

Doug or Andrew can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you only need 
-FLAIR once (to import and normalize the flair volume), but you need to 
specify FLAIRpial each time if you want it to be rerun


On Thu, 14 Mar 2019, Matthieu VANHOUTTE wrote:

>        External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Experts,
> Having launched recon-all process on one subject with supplemental FLAIR
> data in order to better define pial surface, I still need to follow some
> recon editing during the QC of this patient.
> However, when re-launching recon-all to take into account manual editing
> do I have to precise on more time "-FLAIR FLAIR.nii.gz -FLAIRpial" or
> will it be implicit?
> Best regards,
> Matthieu
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