External Email - Use Caution        


I'm using freesurfer ver 6.0.0.
If there are defects with the pial surface (i.e. the pial surface does not
cover all the gray matter that it should), can you also assume that the
eTIV has not been estimated incorrectly, or do pial surface inaccuracies
not indicate eTIV inaccuracy? I know eTIV is estimated based on the linear
transform to the talairach.xfm, but I'm not sure if there's any way to
determine eTIV accuracy directly.
I'm quality checking my images and am curious if I should remove subjects
based on poor pial surfaces or if that does not matter.
Important to note, at the moment, I'm only interested in pulling
hippocampal volumes and eTIV (to get relative hippocampal volumes).
Similarly, would poor pial segmentation affect the reported hippocampal
volumes at all?
What do you recommend?


Ryan Wales
Graduate Student
Cognition and Motor Control Neuroscience Laboratory
Integrative Neuroscience
Psychology Department
Stony Brook University
E-mail: ryan.wa...@stonybrook.edu <ryanwa...@stonybrook.edu>
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