The surface resolution is set during the recon-all analysis and is 
uninfluenced by the PET data

On 3/7/19 3:16 AM, Matthieu VANHOUTTE wrote:
>          External Email - Use Caution
> Ok so if I well understand surface in the gtmseg space would not have
> finer resolution than surface in native space (big voxel)?
> On 06/03/2019 23:48, Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. wrote:
>> I don't think so. The surfaces are at about 1mm resolution, which should
>> be fine for this. The reason that RBV had to be upsampled is that there
>> is no way to represent the different tissue types at a single (big) voxel
>> On 3/6/19 4:46 PM, Matthieu Vanhoutte wrote:
>>>           External Email - Use Caution
>>> Dear Douglas,
>>> RBV PVC use the advantage of upsampled gtmseg space at 0.5 mm3 to
>>> compute PVCorrected images. Would it be beneficial to project this
>>> PVCorrected images onto gtmseg space surfaces to keep this upsampled
>>> resolution ?
>>> Or would it be equivalent to project these PVCorrected images on
>>> gtmseg space onto native surfaces using --reg rbv2anat.lta ?
>>> Best,
>>> Matthieu
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