What is actually in the gii file? It is expecting only to read in 
overlay information (eg, a binary mask with values of 0 or 1 at each 
vertex). I have not used gifti all that much

On 3/4/19 10:55 AM, CAGNA Bastien wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hi everyone,
> I need to convert a surfacic mask that is made from data of one 
> subject projected onto fsaverage6 into a volumic map. To do so, I'm 
> trying to use mri_surf2vol to take my Gifti file and create 3D version 
> as Nifti file (using gray matter). So, I tryed this:
> mri_surf2vol --sd [subjects_dir] --subject fsaverage6 --o 
> [output_filename].nii.gz --so [subjects_dir]/fsaverage6/surf/lh.white 
> [lh.surf_mask_filename].gii --so 
> [subjects_dir]/fsaverage6/surf/lh.white [rh.surf_mask_filename].gii
> But it failed and tells me:
> MRISreadGiftiAsMRI: no overlay data found in file 
> [lh.surf_mask_filename].gii
> After quickly looking to the source code, at line 1077 of utils/gifti.cpp:
> //*-----------------------------------------------------------
>   MRISreadGiftiAsMRI() - reads GIFTI functional frames into
>   an MRI volume struct, which is a retro-fit usage to store
>   multiple frames of data (where in this case, a frame is one
>   complete vector of vertices).
>   This routine will only read NIFTI_INTENT_TIME_SERIES data
>   arrays.
> -----------------------------------------------------------*//
> I'm getting confused because (from what I understood) this function is 
> trying to read gifti's data in a nifti and moreover i didn't find any 
> example on the web of resampling Gifti file to Nifti image using 
> mri_surf2vol. I think I missing some think but do not understand what.
> Does any one have an idea about it?
> Best regards,
> Bastien CAGNA
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