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Dear FS List,

I wanted to check if my GLM design for a surface based analysis is sound. I
am new to FS so please don’t skip over details.

I have 3 groups of monozygotic twins: low-risk, high-risk, ill. Twin pairs
may be present in the same group (e.g both are in the low-risk) or between
groups (one of them in high-risk one in affected).  Not all twins have
their co-twin in the analysis though.

In order to account for with-pair variance correlation I was wondering if
this FSGD example with 9 subjects might do it or if there might be better

GroupDescriptorFile 1
Title …
Class LR
Class HR
Class ILL
Variables  age sex TIV  Pair_no1 Pair_no2 Pair_no3
Input subject1 LR 30 M 123456 1 0 0
Input subject2 LR 30 M 123456 1 0 0
Input subject3 LR 23 F 123456 0 0 0
Input subject4 HR 20 F 123456 0 1 0
Input subject5 HR 21 F 123456 0 0 1
Input subject6 HR 22 M 123456 0 0 0
Input subject7 ILL 20 F 123456 0 1 0
Input subject8 ILL 21 F 123456 0 0 1
Input subject9 ILL 35 F 123456 0 0 0

I do have 60+ pairs so it will be a lot of variables. I know that PALM has
an options to provide an exchangeability file, but FsPalm seems to perform
corrections for multiple comparisons only.

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