External Email - Use Caution        


I have run through dt_recon and want to use anatomically based
segmentations (aseg) to create ROIs for the diffusion-weighted data using

I ran

mri_vol2vol --mov $subj_dir/dtrecon/${subj}.${cond}./lowb.nii.gz --targ
$subj_dir/diffusion_recons/${subj}.${cond}/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --inv
--interp nearest --o
$subj_dir/dtrecon/${subj}.${cond}./aparc+aseg2diff.nii.gz --reg
$subj_dir/dtrecon/${subj}.${cond}./register.dat --no-save-reg

Which worked.

I now want to quality check and make sure the ROIs I make from the
aseg2diff segmentation is accurately aligned in diffusion space (such as
making sure the hippocampal ROIs for aseg are actually going to overlay the
hippocampal region of the diffusion data). My question is what is the best
way to quality check for quality registration between the diffusion and
anatomical data?

*Daniel Callow*
*PhD Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science*
Exercise for Brain Health Lab
University of Maryland, College Park
dcal...@umd.edu <dcal...@gmail.com>
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