External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Dr Greve,
Thanks for the response.
yes, I need to extract the acquisition times for kinetic modeling using PET 
surfer. Please I have two follow-up questions and I appreciate any highlights:
- Are the acquisition times that PET surfer needs to be included in a file 
called time.dat can be extracted from the PET DICOM header - tag (0008 ,0013) 
which labeled "Instance Creation Time" is this the correct tag?
- intensity scaling is not imbedded in the dicom, do you kindly suggest how I 
can convert the PET DICOMS to nifti?

Thanks so much!

you mean you want the acquisition times to do kinetic modeling? I don't have 
anything to do that. Also, you should check to see whether your PET has 
intensity scaling imbedded in the dicom as the v6 mri_convert does not handle 
this properly.

On 2/20/19 11:44 AM, john Anderson wrote:


>         External Email - Use Caution


> hi FS experts.

> I would like to inquire about the command mri_ convert I use this

> command to convert fMRI and PET 4D volumes from dicom format to nifti.


> Are there any flags that can be used in mri_convert command line to

> enable it to extract a text file contain each series time in seconds?


> thanks

> John



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