External Email - Use Caution Thanks! *Daniel Callow* *PhD Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science* Exercise for Brain Health Lab University of Maryland, College Park *ddcc2...@gmail.com <ddcc2...@gmail.com>* 443-254-6298
On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 11:18 AM Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. < dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu> wrote: > Can you do this in two steps? First, convert the dicom to a volume format > (eg, mgz or nii.gz) with > mri_convert image0000001.dcm dwi.nii.gz > This may or may not create bvals and bvecs. If not, then you will have to > supply them. If they are created, look at them and make sure they are right. > Next run dt_recon specifying the input and the bvals/bvecs > > On 2/15/19 9:22 AM, Daniel Davidson Callow wrote: > > External Email - Use Caution > Hello, > > I tried to run dt_recon, however, I received the following error message. > Attached is the error log. > > dt_recon --debug --i > /Volumes/DANIEL/tutorial_data/diffusion_recons/${subj}.${cond}/image000001.dcm > --s ${subj}.${cond} --o /Volumes/DANIEL/tutorial_data/dtrecon/ > > MatrixReadTxT: could not scan value [1][1] > > > No such file or directory > > WARNING: matlab elment type is 1852050003, which is not a matrix. > > mri_glmfit.bin(51624,0x7fffaff913c0) malloc: *** > mach_vm_map(size=9155227648) failed (error code=3) > > *** error: can't allocate region > > *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug > > could not allocate 1684305759 x 1144402954 matrix > > > Cannot allocate memory > > mri_glmfit.bin(51624,0x7fffaff913c0) malloc: *** > mach_vm_map(size=13474447360) failed (error code=3) > > *** error: can't allocate region > > *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug > > could not allocate 1684305759 x 1144402954 matrix > > > Cannot allocate memory > > unsupported matlab format 540094003 (unknown) > > > Cannot allocate memory > > It also seems when dt_Recon is trying to process different subjects in > parallel they are being processed in the same folder? does this create an > issue? > > Any help you can provide in debugging the issue would be greatly > appreciated! > > Thanks, > D*aniel Callow* > *PhD Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science* > Exercise for Brain Health Lab > University of Maryland, College Park > dcal...@umd.edu <dcal...@gmail.com> > 443-254-6298 > > > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing > listfreesur...@nmr.mgh.harvard.eduhttps://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer > > > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing list > Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu > https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
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