External Email - Use Caution Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to prepare my Cerebral blood flow surface data for mri_glmfit group analysis (qdec doesn't allow you to choose your own subject surface files to analyze, so I figured mri_glmfit is my only option). Quick summary of what I did and where I get stuck: ########## I made a vol2surf conversion for some subject perfusion images hoping to evaluate CBF as if it were cortical thickness. The original CBF volumes were registered and normalized in SPM and saved as CBF.nii all in same T1 space. I made them into surface files using : mri_vol2surf --mov CBF.nii--regheader SubjectID --hemi rh --projfrac 0.5 --fwhm 10 --o CBF.mgh I then tried to run: mris_preproc --fsgd CBF.fsdg \ --cache-in CBF.fwhm10 \ --target fsaverage \ --hemi rh \ --out rh.CBF.10.mgh\ scans through all the subject .mghs ninputs = # subjects Checking inputs "ERROR: dimension mismatch between" the first two surface files in my subject fsdg file ########## Please help. What should I do to get around this? Thanks, DP
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