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Dear Freesurfer experts,

I am trying to run TRACULA as a complementary analysis on a patients and
healthy controls sample. I have read in the tutorial that it is assumed
that FreeSurfer has already been run on all the subjects' T1-weighted data
because TRACULA will use the aparc+aseg.mgz from each subject's FreeSurfer
reconstruction. However, T1s of my subjects are not available for this
study and I only have the diffusion images.

I have run the three steps of the trac-all separately (using the default
freesurfer files: aseg+aparc.mgz...) and all the processes have ended
without errors.

Is this correct? Is it possible to use the default freesurfer files instead
of each subject's recon-all files in order to run trac-all?

Thank you very much in advance,


Ainara Gómez Gastiasoro

Dpt of Methods and Experimental Psychology
Neuropsychology of Severe Medical Conditions research team
Faculty of Psychology and Education
University of Deusto


Avda. de las Universidades 24,
48007, Bilbao (Spain)
Phone: +34 944139000 (ext. 3268)
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