External Email - Use Caution        

*Postdoctoral Fellowship: Neurobiology of Reading*
The LandiLab (PI: Nicole Landi https://landi.lab.uconn.edu/
Haskins Laboratories and the University of Connecticut is seeking to hire a
full-time postdoctoral research fellow. Haskins Laboratories
<https://haskinslabs.org/> *is located in New Haven, CT and is closely
affiliated with Yale University and the University of Connecticut.

This postdoc will join an NIH funded project investigating the
neurobiological basis (brain structure, genetics) of reading.  The
successful applicant will be responsible for conducting and interpreting
analyses of neuroimaging data (primarily gray matter structure and
diffusion imaging). This position is part of a multi-site project (Haskins
Laboratories, Yale University, University of Houston, Baylor College of
Medicine, Florida Center for Reading Research) that is analyzing
neuroimaging and genotyping data from 9000+ individuals to explore
gene-brain-behavior relationships.

*Required qualifications:*

·       PhD or equivalent in Psychology, Neuroscience, Cognitive Science,
Computer Science, or related field

·       Experience analyzing neuroimaging data

·       Experience with one or more imaging analysis packages (e.g., FSL,
SPM, AFNI, FreeSurfer)

·       Programming skills, including knowledge of at least one language
and Unix commands

·       Proficiency with writing academic manuscripts

·       Leadership, communication, and organizational skills

*Preferred qualifications:*

·    Experience analyzing diffusion weighted imaging data

·      Experience with advanced neuroimaging analysis techniques, e.g.,
independent components analysis, functional and context-dependent
connectivity, VBM, machine learning

·       Demonstrable interest in the neurobiology of language and/or reading

·       Familiarity with genetic analyses or imaging genetic analyses

This postdoctoral scholar will work with an interdisciplinary and highly
collaborative team of PIs and affiliated scientists from the *LandiLab
Nicole Landi, University of Connecticut, Haskins Laboratories, Yale Child
Study Center) and the *GENESIS
(PI: Elena Grigorenko, University of Houston & Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston TX).This position is based at Haskins Laboratories (New Haven, CT),
but will coordinate with research partners at multiple locations.

Interested candidates should send 1) a CV; 2) the names and contact
information of three references; and, 3) a cover letter to Dr. Nicole Landi
at *nicole.la...@uconn.edu <nicole.la...@uconn.edu>* . This position will
remain open until filled; desired start date is Spring 2019. Salary will be
commensurate with NIH postdoctoral funding levels.  Haskins Laboratories is
an equal opportunity employer.

Meaghan Perdue

PhD Student
Developmental Psychology
Neurobiology of Language
University of Connecticut
Bousfield A302
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