The contrast is not correct for your design. Your design matrix will have 3 columns, one for HC, one for CMT, and one for rh.thickness_30.fsavg.mgh. Ie, it automatcailly interprets PVRs in a DOSS kind of way. If you want to test for a difference in thickness-meylin slopes between the two groups, you will need to have two PVRs, one where the value is the thickness for HC subjects and 0 for CMT subjects, the other the reverse, then set your contrast to 0 0 1 -1. If you just want to remove thickness as a nuisance, then you can stick with what you have and just use a contrast of 1 -1 0
On 12/25/18 5:05 AM, Raffaele Dubbioso wrote: > > External Email - Use Caution > > Dear Freesurfer team, > > I'm running a group analysis where I'd like to compare myelination > between two groups regressing out cortical thickness. > Unfortunately I get always the same error message: > dimension mismatch between X and contrast group.diff.mtx X has 3 > cols, C has 4 cols. Is my group.mtx correct? > > My command line is: > mri_glmfit --y rh.t1t2ratio_30_fmed_3sm_decurv.fsavg.mgh --fsgd > thickness.fsgd --pvr rh.thickness_30.fsavg.mgh --C group.diff.mtx --C > group-x-thick --Cg1g2.intercept.mts --C g1g2.thick.mtx --surf > fsaverage rh --cortex --glmdir rh_allbrain_t1t2_group_thickness.glmdir > > My group_diff.mtx: 1 -1 0 0 > > This is my FSGD FILE: > GroupDescriptorFile 1 > Title Myelin > Class HC > Class CMT > Inputfs_VFHC > ........ > > > Thank you very much for your help > > Best regards, > Raffaele > > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing list > > _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list