The gamma and gammavar files are vertex-wise values. You can load them 
in matlab with something like
g = MRIread('gamma.mgh');
gv = MRIread('gammavar.mgz');
but you will need the vertex that you are interested in (or do for all 
You can use fast_glm_power.m in the FSFAST toolbox to compute the power 
(requires stats toolbox).

On 12/11/18 6:39 AM, Laura Ferrero wrote:
>          External Email - Use Caution
> Hi,
> I want to perform a power analysis and I read that I need 3 of 4 things:
> 1. Effect size (mean/std)
> 2. False positive rate
> 3. Number of subjects
> 4. True positive rate
> I also read that the effect size can be calculated using gamma.mgh and 
> gammavar.mgh files but I do not know how to open them in order to get the 
> numbers.
> Thank you,
> Laura
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