External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Free Surfer team and Bruce,

I have been doing well editing the skull stripping, and using control
points to improve white matter segmentation. Furthermore, the few
participants I had problems with due to large ventricles were solved using
the flag you recommended me to use. I am very grateful for all your help.

However, I am facing another problem I thought I could solve using control
points as well but this is worsening things instead of improving them. I
refer to grey matter segmentation. I have found that several participants,
more than I would like, are having problems with grey matter segmentation
in the ventral temporal lobes and in the occipital lobe as well.

I wonder if you could kindly help me with this, telling me how I could
solve this problem so GM and WM segmentation are fine.

Yours sincerely,
Freesurfer mailing list

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