Just add --ctab colortable

On 12/4/18 9:32 AM, Winkelbeiner, Stephanie A wrote:
>          External Email - Use Caution
> Hi Douglas,
> I followed your advice doing the following:
> mri_annotation2label \
>       --subject fsaverage \
>       --hemi lh \
>       --annotation new.aparc \
>       --outdir ./label_new
> However, that results only in the single labels.
> I couldn't find a specific flag that allows me to also extract the colortable.
> Is there one?
> Thanks,
> Steph
> -----Original Message-----
> From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
> [mailto:freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] On Behalf Of Greve, Douglas 
> N.,Ph.D.
> Sent: Monday, December 03, 2018 7:11 PM
> To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Freesurfer] create ctab from annot
>   External Email. Use Caution.
> You can use mri_annotation2label to extract a color table from the annotation
> On 12/03/2018 07:06 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> Hi Stephanie
>> can you give us some details about how you generated your fine-grained
>> parcellation?
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Mon, 3 Dec 2018, Winkelbeiner, Stephanie A wrote:
>>>          External Email - Use Caution
>>> Hi freesurfer-experts,
>>> I used a customized script that produces a more fine-grained
>>> parcellation resulting in an .annot file.
>>> I don’t seem to have a look-up-table (LUT), however.
>>> I tried the following:
>>> -          mri_annotation2label à allows me to extract the single
>>> labels. But I rather need a .ctab file when I want to read out my
>>> values.
>>> -          mris_anatomical_stats with the –c flag à to output the
>>> colortable as a text file I first need the .ctab file.
>>> Is there a way to get the LUT in a text file or the .ctab file just
>>> from the annotation file?
>>> Thanks a lot in advance!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Stephanie
>>> Stephanie Winkelbeiner, MSc
>>> Research Coordinator
>>> Psychiatry Research
>>> Zucker Hillside Hospital
>>> 75-59 263 Street
>>> Glen Oaks, NY 11004
>>> Tel: (718) 470-4588
>>> Email: swinkel...@northwell.edu
>>> Northwell Health
>>> Visit us at Northwell.edu
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